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  • Drupal 6 / 9

    I have been working with Drupal since version 6.  I am familiar with all aspects of building a Drupal site, from custom module development to theming to general site building and configuration.  Below are some of the areas of Drupal I have worked with the most.

  • Site Building

    I am familiar with a number of common contributed modules.  Here are a some of the one I commonly use when working on Drupal projects.

  • Module Development

    Most of the projects I work on include a combination of contributed modules and custom modules.  When building custom modules, I commonly use the following Drupal 8 apis:

  • Theming

    I have experience building custom themes for Drupal 6, 7 & 8.  I am familiar with the theme and render apis, preprocess functions, template suggestions, and a handful of tools that are useful for developing themes.  Some of the specific things I have experience are listed below.

  • Data Migration

    I have done a number of data migrations into and from Drupal sites, sometimes using the migration module and sometimes writing a custom modules.


  • WordPress

    I have built a number of WordPress sites.  These projects have entailed site building using a variety of plugins, creating custom plugins, and creating custom themes.

  • Site Building

    When building WordPress sites, there are a number of public plugins I commonly rely on.  A partial list of these can be found below.

  • Plugin Development

  • Theming

  • Data Migration


  • jQuery

  • React.js

  • Angular.js

  • Sass / Compass

  • Bootstrap


  • Loyalty Prime

  • Synxis

  • Cloudflare

  • Amazon Cloudfront

  • Hostels International

  • MailChimp

  • SendGrid



  • Acquia

  • Pantheon

  • Github

  • Docker

  • Kubernetes

  • Jenkins

  • Linux


  • S3

  • EC2

  • CloudFront

  • MediaConvert

  • MediaConnect


  • Pattern Lab

  • Sketch

  • Gulp

  • BLT

  • Photoshop

  • Xcode

  • PhoneGap

  • VI

  • Git


  • Trello

  • Basecamp

  • Bitbucket

  • Invision

  • Github

  • JIRA


  • Access

  • SQL Server

  • Postgre SQL

  • MySQL

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